May 24, 2024 2:52:07 PM seb leridon
Access logger
Access Log service implementation
- Report all actions regarding authentication, user or rights management.
- All messages should contain the application Id, the event type, a specific application event code, the logged user, and specific contextual data.
- This service implements the interface IAccessLogger of lutece core, and is used by the service AccessLogService of Lutece core.
Use "debug" or "trace" level for fine access control
Use "info" level otherwise
By default, Lutece authentication, user and rights management are logged at info level, and all actions and views calls are logged at trace level.
A specific log format can be set in the properties file :
portal.defaultAccessLogger.messageFormat portal.defaultAccessLogger.messageFormatSeparator
Log lines could be certified with a hash, that could be verified, whith this property set to true :
To log specific actions, use :
AccessLogService.getInstance( ).info( String strEventType, String strAppEventCode, String strConnectedUserLogin, Object data ) AccessLogService.getInstance( ).debug( String strEventType, String strAppEventCode, String strConnectedUserLogin, Object data ) AccessLogService.getInstance( ).trace( String strEventType, String strAppEventCode, String strConnectedUserLogin, Object data )
Event types are :
- AccessLoggerConstants.EVENT_TYPE_READ
- AccessLoggerConstants.EVENT_TYPE_CREATE
- AccessLoggerConstants.EVENT_TYPE_DELETE
- AccessLoggerConstants.EVENT_TYPE_MODIFY
- AccessLoggerConstants.EVENT_TYPE_CONNECT
- AccessLoggerConstants.EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT
- AccessLoggerConstants.EVENT_TYPE_RIGHTS