Nov 9, 2021 3:28:44 PM Thomas Dumont avatar

Code Generation with PluginWizard

PluginWizard is a Lutece plugin to generate the main files of a Lutece plugin.

  • Java classes in the business layer
  • The Java classes of the presentation layer
  • Java classes of XPage
  • The JSP of the administration interface
  • HTML templates
  • Internationalization resource files (i18n)
  • The plugin configuration properties file
  • Spring's context file
  • The plugin definition XML file
  • SQL scripts for creating and initializing the database
  • The pom.xml file to build the project with Maven
  • Documentation files in xDoc format

Access to PluginWizard

This plugin is regularly updated to take advantage of the latest developments in the LUTECE framework. It is provided as a development aid and a didactic tool.

The result produced is without any guarantee.