Oct 14, 2022 9:37:11 AM François-Eric Merlin avatar

Features overview


A site, a portal or a business application made with Lutece respond to the same integration principles.

It is in all cases to assemble:

  • generic plugins (search engine, SEO, contact form, supervision, ...),
  • possibly one or more specific plugins corresponding to a business application,
  • elements of graphic or configuration specific to this site.

The assembly of all these components is done by the Maven tool. This tool is widely used in the Java world and allows you to perform construction tasks from a project description file ( pom.xml : project object model).

In this file will be declared, in the form of dependencies, all plugins to integrate (generic or specific). This file is also located at the root of a tree that contains the files specific to the project (eg: graphic and configuration).

See Create a Lutèce site POM.xml.

A Lutece site therefore consists of a pom.xml file and a specific file tree. It is assembled to produce a Webapp as a . War file, with the following Maven command:

mvn clean lutece:site-assembly

The essential functions (and plugins)

Here is a list of plugins or modules ( module = plugin plugin )

Functionality Description Plugin
Search Engine Lucene search engine library-lucene
SEO Search Engine Optimizations: Explicit URLs, sitemap, robots.txt plugin-seo
Research Statistics Statistics of searches giving the words searched on the site plugin-searchstats
Google tools Google Analytics Tools - Webmaster tools plugin-gtools

Content Management

Functionality Description Plugin
HTML portlet HTML Content Portlet plugin-html
Girls Pages portlet Portlet of links to the girls pages plugin-childpages

Basic interaction

Functionality Description Plugin
Contact Contact form plugin-contact
Captcha Captcha for forms plugin-captcha

Technical Services

Functionality Description Plugin
System Information System Information plugin-systeminfos
Themes Management Graphic Themes Management plugin-theme

The classic functions (and plugins)

Extensions (comments, your opinion, views, ...)

Functionality Description Plugin
Extend Content extensions plugin-extend
Extend - Feedback Extension to add comments module-extend-comment
Extend - Feedback Extension to give an opinion module-extend-feedback
Extend - Social Networking Extension to share on social networks module-extend-opengraph

Management of labels on the site

Functionality Description Plugin
Label Management Labeling administration interface plugin-sitelabels


  • Front Office Authentication
Functionality Description Plugin
Authentication Front Office Authentication plugin-mylutece
Module Module specific to the authentication system (LDAP, CAS, OpenAM, ...) module-mylutece-xxxxxxx
Avatar Avatar management based on Gravatar internet service plugin-avatar
Avatar server Avatar server plugin-avatarserver