Display a map with the Leaflet Plugin
The Leaflet Plugin provides a basic base for displaying maps within a Lutece application :
- leaflet library (core JavaScript and CSS library)
- assorted icons to display markers
- REST interface for popup display
- icons supply interface for markers
These two last interfaces are to be implemented in the server code of your plugin to return a specific content (icons and popup HTML). In its current version, the leaflet plugin does not propose a template including HTML/JavaScript code for displaying the maps themselves. It is up to the integrator to include the necessary code in a page according to the needs in cartographic functions.
Source code of this plugin can be found here .
Inclusion of the plugin
Include the plugin-leaflet in the pom.xml plugin or module specifying the latest version updated
<dependency> <groupId>fr.paris.lutece.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>plugin-leaflet</artifactId> <version>1.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version> <type>lutece-plugin</type> </dependency>
Popup provider
Popups are windows displaying contextual content when clicking on an object on the map. The leaflet plugin provides a rest webservice interface for returning the contents of a popup.
Create the Provider class implementing the IPopupContentProvider interface and its getPopup() method.
import fr.paris.lutece.plugins.leaflet.rest.service.IPopupContentProvider; public class MyLutecePluginPopupContentProvider implements IPopupContentProvider { // Templates private static final String TEMPLATE_MYLUTECEPLUGIN_POPUP = "/skin/plugins/myluteceplugin/leaflet/popup.html"; // Markers private static final String MARK_MYLUTECEPLUGIN_ENTITY = "entity"; public String getPopup( HttpServletRequest request, String strIdEntity, String strCode ) { //add your code here to build the HTML content of the popup int nId = Integer.parseInt( strIdEntity ); MyLutecPluginEntity entity = MyLutecePluginService.LoadEntity(nId); Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); model.put( MARK_MYLUTECEPLUGIN_ENTITY, entity ); HtmlTemplate t = AppTemplateService.getTemplate( TEMPLATE_MYLUTECEPLUGIN_POPUP, request.getLocale(), model ); return t.getHtml(); } }
Add the following lines in the WEB-INF/conf/plugins/<myLutecePlugin>_context.xml file to reference the Provider :
<bean id="leaflet-icon-provider-myluteceplugin" class="fr.paris.lutece.plugins.myluteceplugin.leaflet.service.mylutecepluginPopupContentProvider" />
The java code of the page displaying the card can then call fr.paris.lutece.plugins.leaflet.service.IconService.getIcon( "leaflet-icon-provider-myluteceplugin[quot ;, strIconKey ).
Add a leaflet map to a Lutece page
Simple example of adding a leaflet map to a page. Here the default projection is used (EPSG: 3857 in long lat).
- Import the library :
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="js/plugins/leaflet/leaflet/leaflet.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/plugins/leaflet/leaflet/leaflet.js"></script>
- Create a map, view, and layer for markers :
var map = L.map ('map_address'). setView ([48.85632, 2.33272], 12); var markers_layer = L.featureGroup (). addTo (map); // create the tile layer with correct attribution var osmUrl = 'http: // {s} .tile.openstreetmap.org / {z} / {x} / {y} .png'; var osmAttrib = 'Map data © < a href = " http: //openstreetmap.org " > OpenStreetMap [</a > contributors'; var osm = new L.TileLayer (osmUrl, {minZoom: 8, maxZoom: 16, attribution: osmAttrib}). addTo (map);
- Add the marker, specify its icon and add the ajax call to the popup service when clicking on this marker :
//Base rest Url for plugin-leaflet popup provider var popupProviderUrl = "rest/leaflet/popup/"; // Custom provider name that implements plugin-leaflet popup provider interface var popupProviderName = "myluteceplugin"; // Id parameter to retrieve an object var formId = ${appointmentform.idForm}; // code parameter ( not used with this adpater, let's set a dummy value) var code = "code"; //Full popup url var popupUrl = popupProviderUrl+popupProviderName+"/"+formId+"/"+code; //creating the icon from the provided path var myIcon = L.icon({ iconUrl: ${MyPluginIcon} }); markers_layer.clearLayers(); var marker = L.marker([poi.y, poi.x], {icon: myIcon}).addTo(markers_layer); marker.bindPopup("Chargement..."); marker.on('click', function(e) { var popup = e.target.getPopup(); $.get(popupUrl).done(function(data) { popup.setContent(data); popup.update(); }); }); map.fitBounds(markers_layer.getBounds());
To go further
Online leaflet documentation allows you to go further in terms of geographical features :
- Other sources and formats for the background layers and business layers of the map
- View multiple geolocated objects from a Geojson source
- Use the properties of the map data to modify the markers (setting icons, colors...) according to the values
- Use the properties of the map data to modify the popups (pass in parameter a value to modify the response of the popup provider service)
- ...
The proj4js library also provided with the leaflet plugin facilitates conversion calculations between geographic coordinate repositories (conversion from one projection to another).