Documentation conventions
Lutece's documentation is written in xDoc (XML) format, and is generated using Maven in HTML and PDF formats.
More info about the Maven plugin : xdoc2md.
The documentation must provide 2 Xdoc Files : one in English and one in French.
Exemple of directory tree :
Xdoc mandatory content
The XDOC file should contains those mandatory sections :
- plugin name
- keywords : Keywords should indicate the categories of use of this plugin. Those keywords should be in the Xfile language. Examples : "cms, authentication, cms, workflow, seo, collaborative, ..." .
- Introduction : This section should indicate the aim and the features of the plugin.
- Configuration : List of configuration properties available.
- Usage : This section should indicate how to use the feature of this plugin, Exemples of code are welcome here.
XDOC model :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <document> <properties> <title>Plugin {PLUGIN NAME}</title> </properties> <head> <meta name="keywords" content="{KEYWORD_A},{KEYWORD_B},{KEYWORD_C}"/> </head> <body> <section name="Plugin {PLUGIN NAME}"> <subsection name="Introduction"> <p>...</p> </subsection> <subsection name="Configuration"> <p>...</p> </subsection> <subsection name="Usage"> <p>...</p> </subsection> </section> </body> </document>
Create a documentation: the basic rules
The encoding used is UTF-8, the chapters are divided into section and subsection .
The HTML code included in these chapters must not use the <br> tag, misinterpreted during of the PDF generation. The <p> tag is used to make line breaks.
Tables must have at least one title in first line ( <th> )
The images should be 780px wide (center the image on a white background), and be created in .gif format.
Examples of implementation
Overall structure of the file:
<? xml version = 1.0 encoding = UTF-8?> <Document> <Properties> <title> Lutèce: title of the document </title> </Properties> <Body> <section name = Chapter title 1> ................... </Section> </Body> </Title>
A document can contain several sections.
A section may contain paragraph-formatted text ( <p> ), as well as one or more subsection (s)
<section name = Chapter title 1> <P> Introduction of Chapter 1 </P> <subsection name = Subchapter 1> <P> text ... </P> </Subsection> <subsection name = Subchapter 2> <P> text ... </P> </Subsection> </Section>
The result is as follows:
Chapter title 1
Introduction of Chapter 1
Subchapter 1
text ...
Subchapter 2
text ...
It is possible to include a list in a paragraph:
<P> <Ul> <li> sample list 1 </li> <li> sample list 2 </li> </Ul> </P> <P> <Ol> <li> sample list numbered 1 </li> <li> sample list numbered 2 </li> </Ol> </P>
- example of list 1
- example of list 2
- example numbered list 1
- example of list numbered 2
Text can be formatted with tags of type <strong> , <em> , <code>
<P> <code> text in code format </code> </P> <P> <strong> strong text </strong> </P> <P> <em> text in em format </em> </P>
- text in code format
- strong text
- text in em format
Examples of code can be introduced using the <pre> tag:
<P> <div class = source> <Pre> <Application> <Application-class> </application-class> <Application-security-model> 1 </application-security-model> </Application> </Pre> </Div> </P>
The result is:
<Application> <Application-class> </application-class> <Application-security-model> 1 </application-security-model> </Application>
To insert a table, the syntax is as follows:
<P> <Table> <Tr> <th> Title 1 </th> <th> Title 2 </th> </Tr> <Tr> <td> Column 1 </td> <td> Column 2 </td> </Tr> </Table> </P>
Which gives the following table:
Title 1 | Title 2 |
Column 1 | Column 2 |
To display a screenshot:
<P> <Center> <img src = images / logo_lutece.gif /> </Center> </P>
The <center> tag is only taken into account for HTML generation.
So that the image is not distorted in the PDF version, one trick is to create the image used to the generation of this format on a size of 780px wide (for an A4 output format), the screen shot being centered in this width.