Access to data
The connection pools and
The declaration of a connection pool is made in the file located in the WEB-INF/conf directory.
By default, Lutece has a portal connection pool on the database containing portal data.
#portal.poolservice is not a mandatory property portal.driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver portal.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/lutece?autoReconnect=true&useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=utf8 portal.user=root portal.password=motdepasse portal.initconns=2 portal.maxconns=50 portal.logintimeout=2 portal.checkvalidconnectionsql=SELECT 1 # <pool>.dialect is an optional property to specify the dialect for JPA provider. #portal.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect
It is possible to declare other connection pools to other databases for some plugins.
Each connection pool can use the Lutece connection service, or the Tomcat server connection service :
Lutece connection service
# Pool for a specific plugin database <pool_name> <pool_name>.driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver <pool_name>.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/quiz?autoReconnect=true&useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=utf8 <pool_name>.user= <pool_name>.password= <pool_name>.initconns=1 <pool_name>.maxconns=3 <pool_name>.logintimeout=2000 <pool_name>.checkvalidconnectionsql=SELECT 1
The properties of a pool are as follows :
Name | Description |
poolservice (optional) | The name of the Lutece class that will handle the connection requests on the pool. By default the service is that of Lutece, but it can be replaced by the service using the Tomcat pools: |
driver | The name of the JDBC driver class |
url | The JDBC connection URL to the database including the protocol, the port number, the name of the server and the base |
user | The name of the user of the database |
password | The password of the user of the database |
initconns | The number of connections to open when the pool is created |
maxconns | The maximum number of connections on the pool |
logintimeout | The delay in milliseconds to abort an attempt to connect to the database. |
checkvalidconnectionsql (optional) | This parameter contains the SQL query that verifies that a pool connection is valid. The default value is SELECT 1 which works for MySQL. For Oracle, this parameter must be set with the following query: SELECT SYSDATE FROM dual. |
Tomcat connection service
# Pool for a specific plugin database <pool_name> <pool_name>.ds=jdbc/<resource_name>
The properties of a pool are as follows :
Name | Description |
poolservice | The name of the Lutece class that will handle the connection requests on the pool |
ds | The name of the resource corresponding to the pool in the Tomcat context |
Tomcat configuration
In the Tomcat server.xml file (TOMCAT_HOME/conf), you have to add the Context tag :
<Server> … <Service> … <Engine> … <Host> … <Context docBase="<absolute_path>" path="<context_name>" reloadable="true" > … </Context> </Host> </Engine> </Service> </Server>
- <absolute_path> is the absolute path of the webapp of the site (ex: "TOMCAT_HOME\webapps\lutece"),
- <context_name> is the name of the context for Tomcat (ex: "/lutece").
For each existing connection pool, you must also add the following lines inside the <Context> ... </Context> tag defined above :
<Resource name="jdbc/<resource_name>" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" username="<user_name>" password="<password>" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" url="jdbc:mysql://<database_url>/<database_name>?autoReconnect=true&autoReconnectForPools=true&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=utf8" initialSize="2" maxActive="20" removeAbandoned="true" logAbandoned="true" removeAbandonedTimeout="300" />
- <resource_name> is the name of the resource defined for the particular pool in the file,
- <user_name> is the login name for the database,
- <password> is the login password for the database,
- <database_url> is the access URL to the database server,
- <database_name> is the name of the database.
The DAO pattern
As described in the General Architecture document, persistence in a DBMS is provided by objects that respect the DAO pattern defined in the J2EE specification. The implementation of a DAO is carried out using DAOUtil utility class .
The DAOUtil utility class is used to create objects that provide an interface for all data access operations:
- Retrieving a connection from a pool
- Preparing an SQL statement
- Definition of the variable elements of the SQL order
- Execution of the order
- Recovery and possible course of the results
- Delivery of the connection in the poll
Here is an example of using a DAOUtil object:
private static final String SQL_QUERY_SELECT = "SELECT id_contact, description, email, contact_order FROM contact WHERE id_contact = ? "; ... Contact load( int nContactId , Plugin plugin ) { DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil( SQL_QUERY_SELECT , plugin ); daoUtil.setInt( 1 , nContactId ); daoUtil.executeQuery(); Contact contact = null; if ( daoUtil.first( ) ) { contact = new Contact(); contact.setId( daoUtil.getInt( 1 ) ); contact.setName( daoUtil.getString( 2 ) ); contact.setEmail( daoUtil.getString( 3 ) ); contact.setContactOrder( daoUtil.getInt( 4 ) ); }; return contact; }