Mar 8, 2018 11:20:56 AM seb leridon
Checkstyle / PMD rules
The following table describes the rules for Checkstyle and PMD tools for code analysis. The abbreviation c in the corresponding column tool at Checkstyle, p at PMD
Functionality | Value | Tools | Name of the rule in the tool |
Naming rules | |||
Local variables, final | ^ [A-Z] * $ - strict (TODO): strName, nName or lName | c | LocalFinalVariableName |
Local variables, non-final- attention, including catch parameters | ^ [a-z] [a-zA-Z0-9] * $ - strict (TODO): strName, nName or lName | c | LocalVariableName |
Non-static attributes | ^ _ [a-z] (_? [A-zA-Z0-9]) * $ - strict (TODO): strName, nName, or lName | c | MemberName |
Parameters | ^ [a-z] [a-zA-Z0-9] * $ - strict (TODO): strName, nName or lName | c | ParameterName |
Constants (static and final fields) | ^ [A-Z0-9] * $ | c | ConstantName |
Static, non-final variables | ^ _ [a-z] (_? [A-zA-Z0-9]) * $ - strict (TODO): strName, nName or lName | c | StaticVariableName |
Method | [az] [a-zA-Z0-9] * $ | c | MethodName |
Class (and interface) | ^ [A-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9] * $ | c | TypeName |
Package | . ^ En \ .paris \ [az \.] * $ | C | PackageName |
Abstract classes | strict only: abstract keyword | c | AbstractClassName |
Maximum length of a variable | 80 - strict 50 | p | LongVariable |
Min length of the name of a method | 3 | p | ShortMethodNameRule |
Min length of the name of a variable | not retained | p | ShortVariable |
Rules not retained (redundant) | |
PMD | VariableNamingConventionRule, MethodNamingConvention,ClassNamingConventionRule, AbstractNamingRule |
Functionality | Value | Tools | Name of the rule in the tool |
File header | |||
Files must all contain the same header | $ {checkstyle.header.file} | c | header |
The header must match a regular expression | not retained | c | RegexpHeader |
Functionality | Value | Tools | Name of the rule in the tool |
Imports | |||
Useless import: duplicate, java.lang. * Or the same package | na | c | RedundantImports |
Same as above + unused import | na | c | UnusedImports |
Imports should not use * | na | c | AvoidStarImport |
Check the import order (java, then javax, ...) | not accepted | c | ImportOrder |
Reject the illegal packages (by default, those of sun.) | Na | c | IllegalImport |
Rules not retained (redundant) | |
PMD | ImportFromSamePackage, UnusedImports, DontimportJavaLang,DuplicateImport |
Functionality | Value | Tools | Name of the rule in the tool |
Non respect of length | |||
Maximum length of a method | default: 100 lines, counting comments and empty lines | p | ExcessiveMethodLength |
Maximum length of a class | default: 1000 lines, counting comments and blank lines | p | ExcessiveClassLength |
Max number of parameters | default: 7 | c | ParameterNumber |
Complexity: number of decision points (if, while, do, for,?:, catch, switch,, OR and case) + 1 for the method | 10 - strict only | p | CyclomaticComplexityRule |
Max number of executable commands | not retained | c | ExecutableStatementCount |
Maximum file length | not retained | c | FileLenght |
Maximum length of a line | not retained | c | LineLength |
Max length for an anonymous inner class | not retained | c | AnonInnerLenght |
Number of methods and public attributes | 45 | p | ExcessivePublicCount |
Rules not retained (redundant) | |
PMD | ExcessiveParameterList |
Checkstyle | MethodLenght, CyclomaticComplexity |
Functionality | Value | Tools | Name of the rule in the tool |
Spaces | |||
Unauthorized space if one of the elements of the for instance is empty: for (int i ;; i ++) | not retained | c | EmptyForIteratorPad |
Only = and == can be followed by a space | token = ASSIGN, EQUAL | c | WhitespaceAround |
Parentheses must have spaces | space | c | ParenPad |
Checks that there is no space after some operators | not retained | c | NoWhiteSpaceAfter |
Check that there is no space before some operators | not retained | c | NoWhiteSpaceBefore |
Checks how to handle long lines after operators | not retained | c | OperatorWrap |
Check spaces for the particular case of cast | not retained | c | TypeCastParenPad |
Check that there is no tab in the source code | not retained | c | TabCharacter |
Check that the items listed are followed by a space | not retained | c | WhiteSpaceAfter |
Functionality | Value | Tools | Name of the rule in the tool |
Qualifying | |||
The order of the qualifiers is: public - protected - private - abstract - static - final - transient - volatile - synchronized - native - strictfp | na | c | ModifyOrder |
The interfaces are neither public nor abstract, the methods and private attributes of a final class are not final, in an interface the variables are neither public nor static nor final | na | c | RedundantModifier |
Functionality | Value | Tools | Name of the rule in the tool |
Blocks | |||
Blocks can not be empty (affects: catch, do, else, finally, if, for, try, while and init) | na | c | EmptyBlock |
Switch blocks are non-empty | na | p | EmptySwitchStatements |
Synchronized blocks are non-empty | na | p | EmptySynchronizedBlock |
Verifies that opening braces ({) go to the line | na | c | LeftCurly |
Verifies that code blocks are surrounded by braces {} | na | c | NeedBraces |
Verifies that closing braces (}) go to the line | na | c | RightCurly |
Check that there are no blocks {} left in the code (left after debugging) | na | c | AvoidNestedBlocks |
Rules not retained (redundant) | |
PMD | EmptyCatchBlock, EmptyIfStmt, EmptyWhileStmt, EmptyTryBlock, EmptyFinallyBlock, IfStmtsMustUseBraces, WhileLoopsMustUseBracesRule, IfElseStmtsMustUseBracesRule, ForLoopsMustUseBracesRule |
Functionality | Value | Tools | Name of the rule in the tool |
Code problems | |||
Avoid syntaxes of type ?: | not retained | c | AvoidInlineConditionals |
Check if a test is nested in a synchronize that is itself nested in the same test, EX: if (theInstance == null) {synchronized (MySingleton.class) {if (theInstance == null) {theInstance = new MySingleton (); }}} | na | c | Double checked locking |
Detect empty statements (;) | na | c | EmptyStatement |
If we overload equals [resp hashcode] then we must override hashcode [resp equals] | na | c | EqualsHashCode |
A local variable or parameter should not overwrite an | na | c | HiddenField |
Simplify the return of boolean - ex: one must have return (! IsValid ()) instead of if (isValid ()) return false; else return true; | na | c | SimplifyBooleanReturn |
No need to test with == true or! False ... | na | c | SimplifyBooleanExpression |
Checks that we do not have a number that is not a constant (except -, 0, 1, and 2) | strict only | c | MagicNumber |
Check that the switch is a default case | na | c | MissingSwitchDefault |
Check that there is not a comma after the last element by initializing an array | na | c | ArrayTrailingComma |
Checks that if we define an equals we also override equals (java.lang.Object) | na | c | CovariantEquals |
Checks that we define well in order: static, public, protected attributes, those for the package (without getter or setter), private; the builders; the methods. | na | c | DeclarationOrder |
Verifies that objects are not unnecessarily initialized (such as int i = 0; or object o = null;) | na | c | ExplicitInitialization |
Parameters and variables that are never changed must be declared final | not retained | c | FinalLocalVariable |
Checks that there are no bad exceptions ( java.lang.Exception , java.lang.Error or java.lang.RuntimeException ) | not retained | c | FinalLocalVariable |
Checks that factory is used when needed | not retained | c | IllegalInstantiation |
Forbidden some token (like ++) | not retained | c | IllegalToken |
Prohibits the values defined by type (eg: no string that has the value a href, no integer that starts with 0, ...) | not retained | c | IllegalTokenText |
Forbidden certain types / classes | not retained | c | IllegalType |
Deny assignments in expressions | na | c | InnerAssignment |
Limit the number of nested if-else | 3 | c | NestedIfDepth |
Limit the number of nested tries | 3 | c | NestedTryDepth |
Each class must have a package | na | c | PackageDeclaration |
Parameters must not be assigned | na | c | ParameterAssignment |
Check that the same exception, unchecked exception, or exception that is a subclass of an already launched exception is not thrown twice | na | c | RedundantThrows |
Limit the number of return | 5 | c | ReturnCount |
Checks that we do not compare strings with == or! | Na | c | StringLiteralEquality |
Check that when overloaded clone (), we call super.clone () | na | c | SuperClone |
Checks that when overfinishing finalize (), we call super.finalize () | na | c | SuperFinalize |
Check loop nesting for | 2 | p | JumbledIncrementer |
Certain for loops can / should be replaced by while | na | p | ForLoopShouldBeWhileLoop |
It is better to convert in the return than in a temporary variable | na | p | UnnecessaryConversionTemporaryRule |
Check that we do not make a return in a finally | unresolved | p | ReturnFromFinallyBlock |
Detects the return; needless | na | p | UnnecessaryReturn |
Detects unused private fields | na | p | UnusedPrivateField |
Detects unused local variables | na | p | UnusedLocalVariable |
Detects unused private methods | na | p | UnusedPrivateMethod |
Detects unused parameters | na | p | UnusedFormalParameter |
A class that only has static methods should be a singleton | na strictly only | p | UnusedLocalVariable |
Using the interface (ex: Set) rather than its implementation (ex HashSet) | na | p | LooseCouplingRule |
It's better to use a local variable than to reuse a parameter | na | p | AvoidReassigningParametersRule |
Check the size of the switch (max length of the box) | 5 | p | SwitchDensity |
ConstructorCallsOverridableMethodRule | builder must not call overloaded method | na | p |
Do not call a private constructor outside the constructor class | na | p | AccessorClassGenerationRule |
A constant final field must be static | na | p | FinalFieldCouldBeStatic |
Connections must always be closed | strict only | p | CloseConnectionRule |
If the same string is used more than once, it must become a constant | 4 | p | AvoidDuplicateLiterals |
Do not instantiate strings with a new | na | p | StringInstantiation |
No need to use toString () on a string | na | p | StringToString |
Consider that an object is too coupled with another if the number of attributes, local variables and types returned is too important | 20 | p | CouplingBetweenObjectsRule |
Too many imports indicate that the object is too coupled | 25 | p | ExcessiveImportsRule |
A method must not throw exception of type Exception | not retained | p | SignatureDeclareThrowsException |
It is cleaner to catch each type of exception (rather than catcher Exception and then make instanceof) | na | p | ExceptionTypeChecking |
Rules not retained (redundant) | |
PMD | OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcodeRule, DoubleCheckedLockingRule, SimplifyBooleanReturnsRule, SimplifyBooleanExpressions, SwitchStmtsShouldHaveDefault, AvoidDeeplyNestedIfStmts, BooleanInstantiation, ProperCloneImplementationRule, AvoidCatchingThrowable, AssignmentInOperandRule |
Functionality | Value | Tools | Name of the rule in the tool |
Design issues | |||
A non-private and non-static method of a class that can be specialized must be either abstract, or final, or empty | na strict only | c | DesignForExtension |
A class with only private constructors must be declared final | na | c | FinalClass |
A class that contains only static methods must not have a public constructor | na | c | HideUtilityClassConstructor |
Interfaces must only define types (no interface that contains no method, only constants) | na strict only | c | InterfaceIsType |
Only static and final attributes can be public | na | c | VisibilityModifier |
Checks that exception classes have only end fields | na | c | MutableException |
Checks the max number of throw | not retained | c | ThrowsCount |
Detects when there is only one constructor, public, empty and without arguments unresolved | p | UnnecessaryConstructorRule | |
Verifies that we do not assign null to objects | na | p | NullAssignment |
Check that there is only one return per function | not retained | p | OnlyOneReturn |
Detects unnecessary static public etc | na | p | UnusedModifier |
Causes each class to have an constructor | unbound | p | AtLeastOneConstructor |
Declare finalize () protected if overloaded | na | p | FinalizeShouldBeProtected |
Functionality | Value | Tools | Name of the rule in the tool |
Javadoc | |||
Each package must have a package.html | unselected | c | PackageHtml |
Check that there is a javadoc for the class (or interface) | na | c | JavadocType |
Variables must be commented on) | strict only | c | JavadocVariable |
Classes must be commented on (at least: @return, @param, @throws and @see) | na | c | JavadocMethod |
Validate the comments content: complete sentence, well-formed HTML tags, ... | not retained | c | JavadocStyle |
Functionality | Value | Tools | Name of the rule in the tool |
JUnit | |||
It is necessary to use assertions with message | na | p | JUnitAssertionsShouldIncludeMessageRule |
suite () must be public AND static | na | p | JUnitStaticSuite |
Checks that setUp and tearDown are spelled correctly | na | p | JUnitSpelling |
Functionality | Value | Tools | Name of the rule in the tool |
Other | |||
Detects duplicate code | not retained | c | StrictDuplicateCode |
Verifies that the declaration of a table conforms to the style chosen (Java-style: public static void main (String [] args) or C-style: public static void main (String args []) ) OR Java style | c | ArrayTypeStyle | |
Restricts some tokens inside some others | not retained | c | DescendantToken |
Verifies that the parameters are final (except for interfaces) | not retained | c | FinalParameters |
grep for a given regular expression | System \ .out \ .println, System \ .exit | c | GenericIllegalRegexp |
Check indentation | not retained | c | Indentation |
Checks that all files end with a newline | unselected | c | NewlineAtEndOfFile |
Seeking TODO Comments: | not retained | c | TodoComment |
Check that the properties files of different languages contain the same keys | na | c | Translation |
Detects non commented main methods | unselected | c | UncommentedMain |
Long-type constants must start with L | not held | c | UpperEll |