Demo Site

We have set up a demo site that allows you to have a complete overview of the administration interface on our flagship features.

Important note: all data are reset every 3 hours to guarantee the best experience based on examples with data making the most of the tools.

Note that a number of advanced technical administration features are not available for obvious security reasons. These features are attached to permissions (RBAC) that we have simply not given to the account you are going to use.
With this example dataset, we have tried to give you a simple, easily understandable overview of the logic behind the plugins.

This site is meant to be updated regularly so that the plugins and embedded features are always up to date.

Among the plugins you can test on the site


Description soon to come


Description soon to come


Description soon to come


Description soon to come


Description soon to come

Connect to the front office here and the back office there. It is recommended to have the 2 tabs open at all times to easily switch back and forth to observe and test any changes you make.
To connect to the back office, use the test account: admin/adminadmin

We wish you a pleasant discovery!