The Lutece platform got its own FlossManuals!

Your favourite Free and Open Source platform Lutece just released 3 new guides to help you get started.



These documents offer a practical vision of the Lutece framework.
They can be read to appreciate the functionalities of Lutece and consulted as a support for the parameterization of an application following the integration of business modules.

These books are addressed to a varied panel of functional users, from the webmaster wishing to build his/her website, to the project manager of a public organization seeking to meet user needs.



These documents are built around several themes:

Informing the public: describes a panel of functionalities that allow to disseminate information to users, institutional pages, events pages, news pages...
Proposing services to the public: details the most useful modules to offer online, dematerialized services to users. These enable, for example, the management of requests, sharing administrative documents, carrying out procedures while at home, etc.
Getting the public involved: sets out the tools to address to users directly, collect their opinions in various forms - surveys, quizzes, evaluations -, process and manage their responses, comments or ratings. In particular, these functionalities are useful for assessing future needs, feedback from users, and communication between them.
Going further brings together functionalities that have been added to the portal, but which are more general and sometimes support other modules.


The authors

These books were written during a 5-day Booksprint in August 2015, organized by Floss Manuals Francophone and the Lutece team. The co-authors of this book are : Magali Bouvat, Baptiste Gabourin, Cédric Gémy, Jon Harper, Laurent Hohl, Elysa Jouve, Magali Lemaire, Isabelle Lenain, Pierre Levy, Alexandre Mangot, Loïc Martinez, François-Eric Merlin, Yvan Michel, Jérome Poirier, Marie-Pierre Roux, Élisabeth Saumard, Rémi Zara and Elisa de Castro Guerra.

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 This work is licensed under the GPL and Creative Commons By SA licenses. You are free to read, share and modify them of course.