They talk about Lutece is the media


The City of Lights has developed a world-class, open platform for digitizing city services. Already successful in Paris, the platform, which can power multiple services, could start to appear in U.S. cities soon. (Todd Asher, Bloomberg Associates -

Jul. 18th, 2023: ActeursPublics - Logiciels libres et mutualisation : quand Paris montre l'exemple (fr)
Jun. 27th, 2023: OS2.EU - Hvad kan open source? Mød Paris’ open source platform, hvor kommuner kan dele (dk)
Jul. 8th, 2022: AIMF - Numérique : La Ville de Paris propose une suite de logiciels libres destinée aux collectivités (fr)
Jun. 30th, 2022: La Gazette des Communes - Les logiciels libres, un choix engagé... et engageant ! (fr)
Jun. 30th, 2022: ZDnet - Libre et open source express: CiteLibre de Paris, Éducation nationale et PeerTube, etc. (fr)
Jun. 22nd, 2022: - De Lutèce à CiteLibre : la ville de Paris propose une suite de logiciels libres destinée aux collectivités (fr)
Jun. 10th, 2022: La Gazette des Communes - La ville de Paris propose une suite de logiciels libres « clé en main » (fr)
Feb. 15th, 2022: - How Open-Source Software Makes Cities More Livable (en)
2021: NETCOM - Le crowdsourcing urbain comme nouvelle forme d’engagement citoyen (fr)
Feb. 25th, 2020: Luiyologia blog - FOSDEM 2020 review (en)
Feb. 6th, 2020: Ludochaordic - FOSDEM 2020 review (en)
Sept. 23rf, 2019: Smart Cities Dive - Paris' digital transformation is women-led, app-driven (en)
Oct. 11th, 2019: Smart Cities World - Paris uses Open Source to get closer to the citizen (en)
Aug. 29th, 2019: Govtech - Can Paris help cities revamp their digital infrastructure (en)
Jun. 6th, 2019: - Made in Paris (en)
Dec. 18th, 2018: Affiches Parisiennes - Les acteurs de l'open source récompensés (fr)
Dec. 4th, 2018: Paris Open Source Summit Twitter - OSSPARIS18 (fr)
Nov. 1st, 2018: Atos - Lutece at City of Paris use case (fr)
Atos - white paper about innovation at the service of the citizen (fr)
Sept. 5th, 2018: Johns Hopkins University, Department of Computer Science - HopHacks Civic Track (en)
Dec. 17th, 2017: Joinup (European Commission program) - Open Source makes you better (en)
Jan. 25th, 2017: April - The association turns 20 (fr)
Dec. 2nd, 2013: Infoq - Talks around Lutece with Pierre Levy (fr)
Nov. 22nd, 2012: - La ville de Paris fête les 10 ans de la plate-forme open source Lutèce (fr)
Mar. 5th, 2012: Journal du Net - Why distributing an Open Source development (fr)
Feb. 19th, 2009: TOOlinux - Marseille adopte le CMS opensource Lutèce pour son nouveau site web (fr)
Sept. 23rd, 2008: - French Weather Forecast migrates to Lutece (fr)

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